Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What have I been up to lately?

There my new header,nice ?
That fried thingy is actually fried banana lols... oookay...that was random.
So back to the title, what have I been up to lately since after exams.
Hm..I finished my exams on the 16th of December.
Then helped out at VBS( Vacation Bible School) for a day.
Had to help Li Xuan to take care of the kids, much of a leader.

(Stole this pic from Juan thx heheh)

Then theres Christmas carolling went to about 9 houses I think.
Went there to sing Christmas songs =) had fun.
Thanks to Maynes her awesome voice.
Sorry for singing so soft lols I cant go any higher. HEHE!
I have no pictures for that, busy driving and singing sorry.

Most of you already know I started mapling again!!!! LOLS..Dont hate me for this.
You guys probably gonna say wah liao Ah Bel playing maple again..not sien meh?
Er.. I'm gonna answer you this, its called the after exams stress relief hehehe!
Sorry hate but..seriously when you're in so much stress after exams u need something
to play!

And Yes!! finally I'm back blogging after such a long break hoho! You guys miss me?
Thats me =) gone fatter?

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